Wellbeing, Mindfulness and Resilience

Wellbeing is generally considered to have physical, emotional, mental and spiritual elements.

Mindfulness, in turn, is considered the practice of paying attention and focussing awareness. For centuries monks used calligraphy to practice mindfulness which can help to elicit a relaxation response and in turn aid stress management and wellbeing at work.

Resilience is defined as your and your employees' ability to withstand and grow through various life stressors, be it at home or at work. The ability to manage stress in a healthy way is widely considered an essential part of resilience and managing one's wellbeing.



Calligraphy in the Corporate Environment

I teach Calligraphy and Lettering  as an experiential workshop to facilitate mindfulness - not everyone is comfortable with meditation so this makes a good alternative.

I focus on the physical elements of awareness of one's body and breathing while making a connection between the pen nib, ink and paper. In turn the steady movements of drills and the slow, steady and fluent rhythm of the strokes themselves can bring a calmness to the mind. There is the added benefit that working with pen and paper gives the mind and eyes a breathing space from staring at a screen and technology. After a short walk to the water fountain the 10 to 15 minute drills can be done at a desk with only a few pieces of equipment.

About Me!

I am a qualified occupational therapist with 19 years' experience in working with adults who sustained life changing injuries. In the past eight years I have worked with a number of individuals to aid their return to leisure activities and work following injury. You can read more about my specialist case management and occupational therapy services here. I work closely with vocational rehabilitation specialists and am passionate about health and wellbeing. I myself started calligraphy as a creative form of relaxation to balance out a busy and demanding work and family schedule. I have worked closely with personal injury solicitors and insurance companies in the past eight years, and am comfortable and confident in working within a corporate setting. 

I can tailor packages to meet your needs - be it full day workshops (to be combined with physical or nutritional aspects of wellbeing), halfday workshops, one off or a rolling programme. I can also offer calligraphy services for corporate events, launches, VIP events or parties. You can read more about it here.